
A programming language so easy, your dog could learn it (probably).

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Ever wish that JavaScript had fewer symbols and more dogs? We did, so we made PawvaScript!

PawvaScript is an object-oriented scripting language designed to make JavaScript more programmer-friendly (so friendly that your dog could learn it, probably). PawvaScript draws on many fundamentals from JavaScript but replaces confusing symbols with clear and (dog-friendly) readable terms, adds types (like TypeScript) to help with debugging, and throws in some paw-sitively awesome dog-related keywords just for fun and tail wags.

CeCe Coding Rear View


Example Programs

Hello, World!

Let’s start with a classic.

woof "Hello, World!";
bark "my ball!";
howl "uh-oh";
console.log("Hello, World!";)
console.log("my ball!".toUpperCase());


PawvaScript’s primitive types are similar to JavaScripts, and it also has data structures like Python’s lists and dictionaries.

PawvaScript Javascript/Python
goodBoy boolean
leash string
toeBeans number
trick function
pack array/list
kennel map/dictionary
breed class/object

Variable Declaration and Assignment

Variables are declared with their type.

leash dogName is "CeCe";
toeBeans dogAge is 12;
goodBoy isGoodBoy is good;
goodBoy isNaughtyDoggo is bad;
let dogName = "CeCe";
let dogAge = 12;
let isGoodBoy = true;
let isNaughtyDoggo = false; 
pack[leash] dogNames is ["CeCe", "Fluffy"];
kennel[leash:toeBeans] dogAges is ["CeCe": 1, "Fluffy": 2];
let dogNames = ["CeCe", "Fluffy"];
let dogAges = {"CeCe": 1, "Fluffy": 2};
toeBeans cuteness; !!! Default value is 0 !!!
cuteness is 100;
let cuteness = 0;
cuteness = 100;
!!! cat is the equivalent of null. !!!
!!! Any type can have the value cat !!!
leash theBestestDog is cat;

let theBestestDog = null;


PawvaScript supports leash interpolation and concetation:

leash dogName is "Ce" with "Ce";
leash sentence is "![dogName] is the best dog";
let dogName = "Ce" + "Ce";
let sentence = `${dogName} is the best dog";


Packs are the PawvaScript equivalent of lists in Python or arrays in JavaScript:

</table> ### Kennels/Maps Kennels are data structures like Python dictionaries.
pack[leash] goodDogs is ["CeCe", "Buster", "Muffin"];
pack[toeBeans] ages is [1, 1, 2];
let goodDogs = ["CeCe", "Buster", "Muffin"];
let ages = [1, 1, 2];
!!! "without" removes elements from a pack !!!
pack[leash] bestDogs is goodDogs without "Muffin";

let bestDogs = goodDogs.filter(dogName => dogName != "Muffin");
!!! "peanutButter" is the spread operator !!!
pack[leash] smallDogs is ["Tiny", "Teenie", "Boo"];
pack[leash] bigDogs is ["Boofer", "Woofer," "Mo"];
pack[leash] allDogs is [
    peanutButter smallDogs,
    peanutButter bigDogs
woof allDogs;
!!! ["Tiny", "Teenie", "Boo", "Boofer", "Woofer", "Mo"] !!!
let smallDogs = ["Tiny", "Teenie", "Boo"];
let bigDogs = ["Boofer", "Woofer", "Mo"];
let allDogs = [
kennel[leash:leash] goodDogs is [
    "CeCe": "German Shepherd",
    "Buster": "Golden Doodle",
    "Mo": "Potato"
kennel[leash:toeBeans] ages is ["CeCe": 1, "Buster": 1, "Mo": 5];
let goodDogs = {
    "CeCe": "German Shepherd",
    "Buster": "Golden Doodle",
    "Mo": "Potato" 
let ages = {CeCe: 1, Buster: 1, Mo: 5};
### Relational Operators Wanna compare stuff?
goodBoy a is x equals y;
a is x notEquals y;
a is x isGreaterThan y;
a is x isLessThan y;
a is x isAtLeast y;
a is x isAtMost y;
let a = x === y;
a = x !== y;
let a = x > y;
a = x < y;
let a = x >= y;
a = x <= y;
### Arithmetic Operators
toeBeans a is x + y; 
a is x - y;
a is x * y;
a is x / y;
a is x mod y;
a is x!;
a is -x;
a = x + y;
a = x - y;
a = x * y;
a = x / y;
a = x % y;
a = x!;
a = -x;
### Conditional Statements
if x isAtLeast y then:
    leash dogName is "CeCe"; 
    leash dogName is "Buster";  
if (x <= y) {
    let dogName = "CeCe";
else {
    let dogName = "Buster";

if x notEquals y then: woof "CeCe is kinda cute"; else if x isGreaterThan y then: woof "CeCe is pretty cute"; else if x isLessThan y then: woof "Okay, CeCe is really cute"; else: woof "CeCe is the cutest of the cutest";
if (x !== y) {
    console.log("CeCe is kinda cute");
else if (x > y) {
    console.log("CeCe is pretty cute");
else if (x < y) {
    console.log("Okay, CeCe is really cute");
else {
    console.log("CeCe is the cutest of the cutest");
### Comments Let's write some comments!
!!! I'm a one line comment !!!
!!! I'm a
comment !!!
// I'm a comment
/* I'm a
comment */
### Loops Forever Loop
    woof "I run forever!";
while (true) {
    console.log("I run forever\!");

Fixed Loop
chase 5 times:
    woof "Stay.";
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

While Loop
chase while x isAtMost 5:
    woof x;
while (x <= 5) {

For Loop
chase toeBeans i is 0 by i*2 while i isLessThan 10:
    woof i; 
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i *= 2) {

For Each Loop
chase element through myPack:   
    woof element; 
for (let element of myArray) {

Use `poop` and `walkies` to `break` and `continue`, respectively.
chase element through myPack:   
    if element equals cat then: 
    else if element equals "CeCe" then: 
    woof element;
for (let element of myArray) {
    if (element === null) {
    } else if (element === "CeCe") {
### Tricks Let's find the greatest common divisor between two toeBeans!
trick gcd chews[toeBeans:num1, toeBeans:num2] fetches toeBeans:   
    toeBeans remainder; 
    chase while (a mod b) isGreaterThan 0:
        remainder is (a mod b); 
        a is b; 
        b is remainder;  
    give a;
function gcd(num1, num2) {
    let remainder;
    while ((num1 % num2) > 0) {
        remainder = a % b;
        a = b;
        b = remainder;
    return a;
toeBeans a is 8;
toeBeans b is 12;
toeBeans c is gcd(a, b); 
let a = 8;
let b = 12;
let c = gcd(a, b);
The classic Fibonacci function to get the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence:
trick fib chews[toeBeans:n] fetches toeBeans:   
    if n isAtMost 1 then: 
        give n;
        give fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); 
function fib(n) {
    if (n <=1) {
        return n;
    } else {
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
toeBeans huzzah is fib(100);  
let huzzah = fib(100);
### Breeds Let's make an owner breed!

breed Owner is: leash dogName; trick Owner chews[leash:dogName] fetches Owner;
trick introduceDog: woof "My dog's name is " with Owner's dogName; tail trick command fetches leash: give Owner's dogName with ", stay!"; tail tail
Owner lucille is Owner("CeCe") (lucille's introduceDog)() !!! output: "My dog's name is CeCe" !!! woof lucille's command() !!! output: "CeCe, stay." !!!
class Owner {
    constructor(dogName) {
        this.dogName = dogName;
    introduceDog() {
        console.log(`My dog's name is ${this.dogName}`;
    command() {
        return `${this.dogName}, stay!`;

let lucille = new Owner("CeCe"); lucille.introduceDog(); console.log(lucille.command());
### Bad Boys: Semantic Errors * The target and source of a variable declaration must have the same type. * The target and source of an assignment statement must have the same type. * Types and functions cannot be declared in loops. * Variables can only be declared once in the same block. * Conditions in if statements must be booleans. * Conditions in loops must be booleans. * For loop variables must evaluate to a number. * Through loops can only be used on lists. (We hope to expand this functionality to other types soon!) * A through loop's variable cannot be changed in the body of the loop (read-only). * Types can only have one constructor. * A constructor's identifier must match the identifier of the type it constructs. * The parameters of a constructor must be fields in their type. * A constructor can only return the breedType it is a part of. * If a function's signature contains a return type, the function must and can only return an object of the return type. * Functions must be called with the same number of arguments as described in the function signature. * Each function argument must be the same type as argument in that same positiion in the function signature. * Spreads can only be used on list members that are also lists, and the member types of the lists must be the same. * A dictionary's keys must all have the same type and its values must also all be of the same type. * The unary operators "-" and "!" can only be used with numbers. * The operator "not" can only be used with booleans. * The binary operators "-", "+", "*", and "/" can only be used with numbers on either side. * The operators "&" and "\|" can only be used with booleans on either side. * The operators "isGreaterThan", "isAtLeast", "isAtMost", "isLessThan", "equals", and "notEquals" can only be used with numbers and strings and the types must match on both sides. * The operators "with" and "without" can only be used with strings and lists and the types must match on both sides. * The "at" operator can only be used with a list on the left and numbers on the right. * The "of" operator can only be used with a dictionary on the left and numbers on the right and the key used must match the type of the keys in the dictionary. * Give statements can only be used in functions, methods, and loops. * Break and continue statements can only be used in loops. Happy PawvaScript coding! Remember: _Good Dogs only!_ CeCe Coding Front View